Patron Gregor Mendel Foundation Department of Botany Calicut University Kerala- 673635, India Ph: 91-9447535361 Email:
Prof. K.V. Mohanan secured his M.Sc. (Botany), M.Phil. (Genetics & Plant Breeding) and Ph.D. (Genetics & Plant Breeding) degrees from University of Calicut, Kerala, India and worked under University of Calicut in various academic capacities from 1982 to 2018. His academic career included 17 years as Lecturer in the PG Department of Botany at Zamorin’s Guruvayurappan College, Calicut affiliated to University of Calicut and 8 years as Reader and 11 years as Professor at Department of Botany, University of Calicut. During his career at University of Calicut, he has held different academic positions such as membership in academic associations like Association of Rice Research Workers, Indian Society for Genetics and Plant Breeding, Indian Society for Plantation Crops, Indian Society for Spices, etc and membership in the editorial boards of some important international journals. During his academic career he officiated as member and chairman of UG and PG Boards of Studies of Botany, Plant Science and Plantation Development of different Universities. He was instrumental in starting a Centre for PG Studies in Plantation Development at University of Calicut and he officiated as its Coordinator from 1999 to 2009. He established the Interuniversity Centre for Plant Biotechnology at University of Calicut with funding from Government of Kerala and officiated as its director from 2009 to 2018. He officiated as Head of the Department of Botany, University of Calicut from 2010 to 2012 and as Director, School of Biosciences, University of Calicut from 2015 to 2018. He has worked as a member of the official bodies of the University of Calicut like Planning Board, Faculty of Science, Academic Council and Senate during his academic career.
He officiated as secretary of Gregor Mendel Foundation from 2006 to 2018 and during his tenure he revamped the organization and conducted National Seminars on thrust areas of Biological Science every alternate year. He completed his tenure as the secretary of Gregor Mendel Foundation in 2018 and has been inducted as Patron of the foundation from 2018.
Major areas of interest: Genetics, breeding, propagation and biotechnology of rice, spices, plantation crops and medicinal plants. |
Educational Qualifications: M.Sc. (Botany); M.Phil. (Botany- Genetics & Plant Breeding); Ph.D. (Botany- Genetics & Plant Breeding). |
Professional Experience: Lecturer in Botany : 17 years; Reader in Botany (Genetics and Plant Breeding): 8 years; Professor of Botany (Genetics & Plant Breeding): 11 years; NSS Programme Coordinator: 3 years; Coordinator, Centre for Plantation Development Studies: 10 years; Director, Interuniversity Centre for Plant Biotechnology: 8 years; Head of the Department of Botany: 2 years; Director, School of Biosciences, University of Calicut: 2.5 years; Member, Senate: 2 years; Member, Academic Council: 2 years; Total Professional Experience: 36 years. |
Memberships in Academic Bodies (past/present): Formerly Member, Senate, University of Calicut; Formerly Member, Planning Board of University of Calicut; Member, Faculty of Science, University of Calicut, Chairman, Board of Studies in B. Voc Agriculture, University of Calicut; Formerly Chairman, P.G. Board of Studies in Botany, University of Calicut; Formerly Chairman, Board of Studies in Plantation Development, University of Calicut; Member, Board of Studies in Botany (PG), University of Mysore, Formerly Member, P.G. Board of Studies in Botany, Kannur University, Kerala; Formerly Member, Board of Studies in Plant Science, University of Calicut; Member, Board of Examiners for Ph.D., Goa University; Member, Board of Examiners for Ph.D. , Integral University, Lucknow; Member, Board of Examiners for Ph.D. Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu; Chairman, Board of Examiners for Ph.D., Bharathiar University, Coimbatore; Member, Board of Examiners for Ph.D., Madurai Kamaraj University, Tamil Nadu; Member, Board of Examiners for Ph.D., M.S. University, Tamil Nadu; Member, Board of Examiners for Ph.D., Kuvempu University, Karnataka; Member, Board of Examiners for Ph.D., Andhra University, Waltair; Member, Doctoral Committee, Gandhigram Rural University, Dindigul, Tami Nadu; Chairman, Board of Examiners for Ph.D., Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam; Member, P.G. Board of Examiners in Botany, Mysore University; Member, P.G. Board of Examiners in Botany, Kannur University, Kerala; Member, P.G. Board of Examiners in Botany, University of Calicut; Member, P.G. Board of Examiners in Plant Science, University of Calicut; Chairman, P.G. Board of Examiners in Plantation Development, University of Calicut; Chairman, P.G. Board of Examiners in Food Science & Technology, University of Calicut; Chairman, U.G. Board of Examiners in Plant Science, University of Calicut; Chairman, U.G. Board of Examiners in Biotechnology, University of Calicut; Formerly Member, Doctoral Research Committee, Govt.Victoria College, Palakkad; Formerly Member, Doctoral Research Committee, Department of Botany, University of Calicut; Member, Internal Quality Assurance Committee, University of Calicut; Former Joint Convener, Total Literacy Programme; Resource Person, Janakeeyasoothranam; Member RUSA Board of Governors, University of Calicut. |
Number of Seminars/ symposia/ workshops attended: 45. Number of Seminars organised as organizing secretary: 1. National Seminar on Recent Trends in Crop Science Research, University of Calicut, Kerala: 21&22 January 2006; 2. National Seminar on Recent Trends in Plant Science Research, University of Calicut, Kerala: 2&3 March 2007; 3. National Seminar on Genetics, Breeding and Biotechnology, University of Calicut, Kerala: 11&12 December, 2009; 4. National Seminar on Genetics, Breeding and Biotechnology, University of Calicut, Kerala: 16&17 December, 2011; 5. KFRI-GMF National Seminar on Forestry and Agriculture, Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi, Thrissur, Kerala: 7& 8 November, 2013; 6.National Seminar on Patents, Plant Breeding, Biotechnology and Conservation, Malabar Botanical Garden and Institute for Plant Sciences, Calicut, Kerala: 3 to 5 December, 2015. 7. National Seminar on Modern Trends in Conservation, Utilization and Improvement of Plant Genetic Resources, Department of Botany, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram: 23 & 24 November 2017. Research publications: 203; Chapters in Books: 5; Books: 9; Popular Science articles: 30; Research Projects: 5; Ph.D.s guided: 13; M.Sc. Projects guided: 50. |
Papers in National/ International Journals
1. Soorya V., Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2023. Genetic variability of Curcuma aeruginosa Roxb. (pink and blue ginger) in North Kerala, India. International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews 10(2): 926-940.
2. Litty R., Mohammed Irfan T.K., RadhakrishnanV.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2022. A study on the genetic control and potential of the important agronomic characters of Curcuma zedoaria Rosc. International Journal of Current Research 14(11): 22817-22819. DOI:10.24941/ijcr.44386.11.2022
3. Litty R., RadhakrishnanV.V., Resmi L. and Mohanan K.V., 2022. A study on the genetic variability of Curcuma zedoaria Rosc. accessions of Kerala. Journal of Advanced Scientific Research 13 (6): 96-100. DOI: 10.55218/JASR.202213617
4. Veena K.S., Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2021. Exacum tetragonum Roxb. – an endemic medicinal herb. Abrahamia (ISSN: 2395-4108). 7(1): 5-10.
5. Veena K.S., Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2021. A study on correlation and association of characters of Exacum tetragonum Roxb. in North Kerala, India. International Journal of Advanced Research (ISSN: 2320-5407) 9(08): 710-715. DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/13319.
6. ThusharaV.S., Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2020. Genetic diversity of Kaempferia rotunda L. accessions of Kerala. Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (ISSN-2349-5162) 7(11): 154-162. 7. Neethu K., Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2020.Assessment of the genetic base of wild turmeric (Curcuma aromatica Salisb.) in Kerala, India. Eco Chronicle (ISSN: 0973-4155) 15(1): 13-16. 8. Kunhalavi M., Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2019. A study on the variability of morphometric characters in apple mint [Mentha rotundifolia L. (Huds.)]. International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (E ISSN 2348-1269) 6(1): 93-96. 9. Abhilash Joseph E., Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2018. Accretion of anthocyanin in rice cultivars under salinity stress. Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products 25(4): 127-130 10. Abdul Faisal P., Priji P., Unni K.N. and Mohanan K.V., 2018. Optimization of parameters for the production of biodiesel from rubber seed oil using onsite lipase by response surface methodology. 3 Biotech (2018) 8:459 11. Athira K.A., Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2018. A study on the genetic variability of false turmeric (Curcuma zanthorrhiza Roxb.) in Central Kerala of India. International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (EISSN: 2348-1269; PRINT ISSN: 2349-5138) 5(3): 482-48 8. 12. Athira K.A., Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2018. Assessment of the genetic base of false turmeric (Curcuma zanthorrhiza Roxb.) in Central Kerala, India. Ecochronicle (ISSN: 0973-4155) 13(1): 07-10. 13. Surekha Y.P., Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2018. A study of variability among some important native rice cultivars of Wayanad region of western ghats, South India. Journal of Non Timber Forest Products (ISSN 0971-9415 25(2): 99-102. 14. Shintu P.V., Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2018. Bioactive compounds in the rhizome of Maranta arundinacea L. (arrow root) as revealed by GC-MS analysis. Journal of Non Timber Forest Products (ISSN 0971-9415 25(2): 85-90. 15. Surekha Y.P., Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2018. System of rice intensification- an overview. International Journal of Current Advanced Research (ISSN: O: 2319-6475, ISSN: P: 2319-6505) 7(6): 13380-13382. 16. Faisal P.A. and Mohanan K.V., 2018. Rubber seed as a potent substrate for the production of lipase from Pseudomonas Sp. Strain BPU6 by solid state fermentation. Indian Journal of Scientific Research (ISSN: 0976-2876) 19(1): 47-52. 17. Remya R., Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2017. A study on field level variability and diversity of Scoparia dulcis L. In North Kerala, India. Eco Chronicle (ISSN: 0973-4155) 12(1): 7-11. 18. Neethu K., Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2017. A study of the genetic variability of wild turmeric (Curcuma auvery Salisb.) in Kerala State of India. International Journal of Current Advanced Research (ISSN: 2319-6475) 6(11): 7311-7314. Doi: 10.24327/ijcar.2017.7314.1122 19. Shintu P.V., Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2017. Factor analysis in Maranta arundinacea L. International Journal of Current Advanced Research (ISSN: 2319-6475) 6(11): 7328-7331. Doi: 10.24327/ijcar.2017.7331.1126 20. Shintu P.V., Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2017. Correlation analysis of growth and yield characters in Maranta arundinacea L. (West Indian arrowroot). International Journal of Current Advanced Research (ISSN: 2319-6475) 6(9): 6302-6305. Doi: 10.2017.6305.0914. 21. Athira K.A., Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2017. Curcuma zanthorrhiza Roxb. (false turmeric)- a retrospective view. Indian Journal of Arecanut, Spices and Medicinal Plants (ISSN: 0972-2483) 19(2): 10-14. 22. Akhila P.K., Radhakrishnan V.V., Pradipkumar K. And Mohanan K.V., 2017. Assessment of variability and performance of new landraces of small cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum Maton). Journal of Plantation Crops 45(1): 43-48. Doi: 10.19071/jpc.2017.v45.i1.3236. 23. Soorya V., Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2016. Influence of the status of planting material on growth and yield characters of Travancore starch plant (Curcuma aeruginosa L.). Journal of Non Timber Forest Products 23(4): 195-197. 24. Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2016. Cardamom- properties, products and uses. Journal of Non Timber Forest Products (ISSN 0971-9415) 23(3): 139-142. 25. Shintu P.V., Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2016. A study on the genetic control and potential of the important agronomic characters of Maranta aruntinacea L. International Journal of Current Research (ISSN: 0975-833X) 8(10): 39756-39761. 26. Abhilash Joseph E., Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2016. Variation in total polyamine content in some native rice cultivars of North Kerala, India in response to salinity stress. International Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Biotechnology (Print ISSN: 0974-1712; Online ISSN: 2230-732X) 9(5): 731-738. Doi: 10.5958/2230-732x.2016.00096.6. 27. Shintu P.V., Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2016. A study of the genetic variability of West Indian arrowroot (Maranta aruntinacea L.) in Kerala State of India. Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (ISSN: Print: 2328-563X; Online: 2328-5648) 5(5): 186-190. Doi: 10.11648/j.aff.20160505.17. 28. Soorya V., Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2016. A study on the genetic variability and genetic control of the important morphometric characters of Curcuma aeruginosa Roxb. Journal of Non Timber Forest Products (ISSN 0971-9415) 23(2): 61-65. 29. Chandramohanan K.T., Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2016. Performance evaluation of some native rice cultivars of the kaippad farming system of Kerala State of India. Universal Journal of Agricultural Research 4(2): 37-41. DOI: 10.13189/ugar.2016.040201. 30. Surekha Y.P., Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2016. The importance of optimum tillering in rice- an overview. South Indian Journal of Biological Sciences (ISSN: 2454-4787) 2(1): 125-127. 31. Hrideek T.K., Radhakrishnan V.V., Kuruvulla K.M. and Mohanan K.V., 2016. A study on variability of elite landraces of small cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum Maton). Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources (ISSN: 0971-8184) 28(3): 311-316. DOI: 10.5958/0976-1926.2015.00041.8 32. Joseph E.A., Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2016. Differential expression of Cyclophilin1 and Cyclophilin2 genes under salinity stress in some native rice cultivars of North Kerala, India. International Journal of Plant Breeding and Genetics (ISSN 1819-3595) 10(1):1-11. DOI: 10.3923/ijpbg.2016.1.11 33. Akhila M.S., Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2015. A study on in situ variability of Spilanthes vazhachalensis Sheela in North Kerala, India. Heartian Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences (ISSN 2277-1662) 4(1): 3-9. 34. Jayasree M., Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2015. Influence of the status of planting materials on growth and yield of Kaempferia auvery L. Journal of Non Timber Forest Products (ISSN 0971-9415) 22(4): 215-217. 35. Hrideek T.K., Raghu A.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2015. Correlation and association of characters in Vetiveria zizanoides (L.) from Kerala part of Peninsular India. International Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Biotechnology 8(2): 237-243. 36. Soorya V., Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2015. Travancore starch plant (Curcuma aeruginosa Roxb.): a potential medicinal herb. Indian Journal of Arecanut, Spices and Medicinal Plants 17(3): 17-22. 37. Shintu P.V., Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2015. West Indian arrowroot- a medicinal plant and starch source. Indian Journal of Arecanut, Spices and Medicinal Plants 17(1): 20-23. 38. Shintu P.V., Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2015. Pharmacognostic standardization of Maranta arundinacea L.- An important ethnomedicine. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 4(3) (ISSN 2278-4136): 242-246. 39. Abhilash Joseph E., Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2015. Variation in accumulation of phenolics in some native rice cultivars of North Kerala, India in response to salt stress. Asian Journal of Agricultural Research 9(6) (ISSN 1819-1894 / DOI: 10.3923/ajar.2015.315.324): 315-324. 40. Sureshkumar V.B., Nikhila K.R., Mohanan K.V. and Prakash N.S., 2015. Analysis of variability of robusta coffee (Coffea canephora var. Robusta) germplasm in India. Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products (ISSN 0971-9415) 22(2): 109-115. 41. Prabhukumar K.M., Thomas V.P., Sabu M., Prasanth A.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2015. Induced mutation in ornamental gingers (Zingiberaceae) using chemical mutagens viz. Colchicine, Acridine and Ethyl methane sulphonate. Journal of Horticulture, Forestry and Biotechnology (ISSN: 2066-1797) 19(2): 18-27. 42. Hrideek T.K., Dilna Rajan, Alex C.J., Raghu A.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2015. Assessment of Juvenile variability of morphological and biophysical characters in Embelia ribes Burm. Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products (ISSN 0971-9415) 22(1): 47-50. 43. Farhad V.P., Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2015. A study on field level variability and diversity of Phyllanthus amarus Schum. & Thonn. In Kerala State of India. Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products (ISSN 0971-9415) 22(1): 21-24. 44. Joseph E.A., Mohanan K.V. and V.V. Radhakrishnan, 2015. Effect of Salinity variation on the quantity of antioxidant enzymes in some rice cultivars of North Kerala, India. Universal Journal of Agricultural Research (ISSN: 2332-2268 (Print); 2332-2284 (Online); (doi:10.13189/ujar.2015.030304) 3(3): 89-105. 45. Joseph E.A., Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2015. A study on the accumulation of proline- an osmoprotectant amino acid under salt stress in some native rice cultivars of North Kerala, India. Universal Journal of Agricultural Research (ISSN: 2332-2268 (Print); 2332-2284 (Online); doi: 10.13189/ujar.2015.030104) 3(1): 15-22. 46. Vidya Varma P.K., Mohanan K.V. and Madhusoodanan P.V., 2014. Phenetics of South Indian trichomanoid ferns. Indian Fern Journal 31: 53-68. 47. Neethu K., Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2014. A study on field level variability of Emelia sonchifolia (L.) DC. In North Kerala, India. Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products (ISSN 0971-9415) 21(4): 231-234. 48. Abhilash Joseph E., Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2014. Study of protein accumulation in some native rice genotypes under salinity stress. Indian Journal of Applied Research (ISSN- 2249-555X; doi: 10.15373/2249555x) 4(11): 1-4. 49. Prabhukumar K.M., Thomas V.P., Sabu M. And Mohanan K.V., 2014. Off season flower induction of ‘praying mantis ginger’ Larsenianthus careyanus (Benth.) W.J. Kress & Mood (Zingiberaceae) through low temperature and night break. Journal of Ornamental Plants 4(2): 69-73. 50. Abhilash Joseph E., Radhakrishnana V.V. Chandramohanan K.T. and Mohanan K.V., 2014. Reductuion of major photosynthetic pigments under salinity stress in some native rice cultivars of North Kerala, India. International Journal of Recent Scientific Research (ISSN: 0976-3031) 5(9): 1602-1611. 51. Chandramohanan K.T., Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2014. Chronological emergence of tillers and their orientation and performance in some salinity tolerant rice cultivars and varieties. Canadian Journal of Plant Breeding (ISSN 2291-6342 (Print) ISSN 2291-6350 (Online) 2(2): 38-42. 52. Prabhukumar K.M., Thomas V.P., Sabu M., Prasanth A.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2014. Systematic and variability studies on ‘hidden purple ginger’, Curcuma inodora Blatter J. (Zingiberaceae)- an endemic promising ginger from Peninsular India. Webbia: Journal of Plant Taxonomy and Geography 69(1): 123-130. 53. Dhanya K., Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2014. A study on in situ variability of Leucas lavandulifolia SM. In North Kerala, India. Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products (ISSN 0971-9415) 21(2): 93-98. 54. Jayasree M., Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2014. Assessment of variability and selection of promising genotypes of mango ginger (Curcuma amada Roxb.) accessions from Kerala. Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources (ISSN 0971-8184) 27(1): 54-58. 55. Jayasree M., Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2014. Effect of the status of planting materials on growth and yield of mango ginger (Curcuma amada Roxb.). Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products (ISSN 0971-9415) 21(1): 1-4. 56. Chandramohana K.T., Radhakrishnan V.V., Abhilash Joseph E. and Mohanan K.V., 2014. A study on the effect of salinity stress on the chlorophyll content of certain rice cultivars of Kerala state of India. Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries [ISSN 2328-5648 (Online); 2328-563X (Print)] 3(2): 67-70. 57. Kunhalavi M., Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2013. A study on the genetic base of apple mint (Mentha rotundifolia L. (Huds.) in South India. Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products (ISSN 0971-9415) 20(3): 227-229. 58. Rency R.C., Radhakrishnan V.V., Aleyamma Thomas and Mohanan K.V., 2013. A study on callus induction and regeneration in Vernonia cineria (L.) Less. Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products (ISSN 0971-9415) 20(2): 83-86. 59. Abhilash Joseph E. and Mohanan K.V., 2013. A study on the effect of salinity stress on the growth and yield of some native rice cultivars of Kerala state of India. Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries [ISSN 2328-5648 (Online); 2328-563X (Print)] 2(3): 141-150. 60. Bhavana B. Nair, Prabhukumar K.M., Sabu M. And Mohanan K.V., 2013. A study on the effect of a non hormonal homeopathic growth promoter on the growth and flowering of rainbow ginger (Curcuma aurantiaca Zijp.). Journal of Non Timber Forest Products (ISSN 0971-9415) 20(1): 13-16. 61. Sabu M., Prabhukumar K.M., Thomas V.P. and Mohanan K.V., 2013. Variability studies in Peacock Ginger, Kampferia elegans Wall. (Zingiberaceae). Annals of Plant Science (ISSN 2287-688X) 2(5):138-140. 62. Sureshkumar V.B., Nikhila K.R., Prakash N.S. and Mohanan K.V., 2013. Interrelationship and association of characters in robusta coffee (Coffea canephora var. Robusta). Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 2(2): 98-104. 63. Sureshkumar V.B., George Daniel, Prakash N.S., Prakasan C.B. and Mohanan K.V., 2013. A study of the pattern of fruit development in robusta coffee (Coffea canephora var. Robusta). International Journal of Plant, Animal and Environmental Sciences 3(2): 248-257. 64. Raihanath M., Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2012. A study on field level variability and diversity in Eclipta prostrata (L.) L. Journal of Non Timber Forest Products 19(3): 199-200. 65. Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2012. Effect of Siapton 10L, a plant biostimulant on growth and yield of cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum Maton). Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products 19(2): 93-96. 66. Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2012. Cardamom breeding in India- an overview. Indian Journal of Arecanut, Spices & Medicinal Plants 14(1): 17-23. 67. Thomas VP, Prabhu Kumar KM, Sabu M, Prasanth AV and Mohanan KV., 2012. Effect of Sucrose and Benzyl Adenine in the promotion of cut flower vase life in Alpinia purpurata Vieill., a charming ornamental ginger. Journal of Research in Plant Sciences 1(2): 89-92. 68. Chandramohanan K.T. and Mohanan K.V., 2012. Kaipad rice farming in North Kerala- an indigenous saline resistant organic farming system. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge 11(1): 185-189. 69. Mohanan K.V., 2011. Guide the farmers to esteem. Kerala Calling June 2011: 42-45. 70. Febina M.K., Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2011. A comparative study of five species of Curcuma with special reference to pseudostem and rhizome characters. Journal of Non Timber Forest Products 18(4): 265-266. 71. Umamaheswari R. and Mohanan K.V., 2011. A study of vegetative and floral morphology of Vanilla planifolia and Vanilla tahitensis. Journal of Non Timber Forest Products 18(2): 95-100. 72. Radhakrishnan V.V., Kuruvilla K.M., Madhusoodanan K.J., Mohanan K.V. and Thomas J., 2011. ICRI-7: A high yielding cardamom variety for Wayanad. Journal of Plantation Crops 39(1): 187-189. 73. Hrideek T.K., Radhakrishnan V.V., Mohanan K.V.,Kuruvilla K.M., Madhusoodanan K.J. and Thomas J., 2011. Genetic divergence in some elite landraces of small cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum Maton). Journal of Plantation Crops 39(1): 201-202. 74. Umamaheswari R. and Mohanan K.V., 2011. A study of the Association of Agronomic Characters in Vanilla planifolia Andrews. International Journal of Plant Breeding and Genetics (5(1): 53-58.). 75. Radhakrishnan V.V., Madhusoodanan K.J. and Mohanan K.V., 2010. Shade trees and shade management in cardamom. Journal of Non Timber Forest Products 17(4): 433-435. 76. Prasanth A.V., Prabhukumar K.M., Thomas V.P., Sabu M. And Mohanan K.V. 2010. Rainbow ginger (Curcuma aurantiaca ZIJP.)- a potential ornamental ginger. Journal of Non Timber Forest Products 17(3): 349-352. 77. Prabhukumar K.M., Sabu M., Thomas V.P., Nimisha G. And Mohanan K.V., 2010. Red Ginger: A Promising Crop for Floriculturists. Plant Hortitech 10(1): 40-43. 78. Raghu A.V., Geetha S.P., Gerald Martin, Indira Balachandran and Mohanan K.V., 2010. Micropropagation of Tribulus terrestris Linn. Indian Journal of Natural Products and Resources 1(2): 232-235. 79. Prabhukumar K.M., Sabu M., Thomas V.P., Prsaanth A.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2010. A study of island purple ginger (Boesenbergia siphonantha (Baker) M.Sabu et al.)- a potential ornamental ginger of the tropics. Indian Journal of Botanical Research 6(1&2): 165-170. 80. Thomas V.P., Prabhukumar K.M., Prasanth A.V., Sabu M. And Mohanan K.V., 2010. Induction of off season flowering in three species of Zingiberaceae through low temperature treatment and night break. Indian Journal of Botanical Research 6(1&2): 129-134. 81. Umamaheswari R. And Mohanan K.V., 2010. Vanilla planifolia Andrews- a review. Indian Journal of Botanical Research 6(1&2): 75-110. 82. Umamaheswari R. And Mohanan K.V., 2010. The genus Vanilla- an overview. Indian Journal of Botanical Research 6(1&2): 43-62. 83. Sureshkumar V.B., Prakash N.S. and Mohanan K.V., 2010. A study of Coffea racemosa x Coffea canephora var. Robusta hybrids in relation to certain critically important characters. International Journal of Plant Breeding and Genetics 4(1): 30-35. 84. Mohanan K.V., 2010. The poor and marginal farmers of Wayanad District- a study. Sastragathi 45(9): 42-47. 85. Radhakrishnan V.V., Priya P. Menon, K.J. Madhusoodanan and K.V.Mohanan, 2009. Path analysis in cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum Maton). Indian Journal of Botanical Research 5 (3&4): 311-316. 86. Mini C.B. and Mohanan K.V., 2009. Genetic variability of native rices of Kerala, India. Oryza 46(1): 6-11. 87. Jayabose P., Ganesh S., Mohanan K.V. and Arulraj S., 2008. Estimation of heterosis of economically important characters of coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) hybrids. Journal of Plantation Crops 36(3): 151-154. 88. Hrideek T.K., Radhakrishnan V.V., Mohanan K.V., Kuruvilla K.M., Madhusoodanan K.J. and Thomas J., 2008. A study of relative performance of some elite landraces of small cardamom. Journal of Plantation Crops 36(3): 192-196. 89. Silja V.P., Samitha Varma K. And Mohanan K.V., 2008. Ethnomedicinal knowledge of the Mullu kuruma tribe of Wayanad district, Kerala. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge 7(4): 604-612. 90. Hrideek T.K., Radhakrishnan V.V., Mohanan, K.V., Kuruvilla K.M., Madhusoodanan K.J. and Thomas J., 2008. A study of character association in small cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum Maton). International Journal of Plant Breeding and Genetics 2(1): 42-46. 91. Nikhila K.R., Sureshkumar V.B., Mohanan K.V. and Santaram A, 2008. Association of agronomic characters in robusta coffee (Coffea canephora Pirrre ex Froehner). International Journal of Plant Breeding and Genetics 2(1): 47-50. 92. Prasanth A.V., Ganeshan K.P. and Mohanan, K.V., 2008. A study of variability of coconut genotypes in Chembra village panchayat of Malappuram district, Kerala, India. Indian Coconut Journal (ISSN 0970-0579) 51(5): 12-18. 93. Mohanan K.V. and Mini C.B., 2008. Relative contribution of rice tillers of different status towards yield.. International Journal of Plant Breeding and Genetics 2(1): 9-12. 94. Mohanan K.V. and Pavithran, K., 2007. Chronology of tiller emergence and tiller orientation in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Oryza 44(4): 307-310. 95. Raghu A.V., Unnikrishnan K.P., Hisham K.M., Balachandran I. And Mohanan K.V., 2007. Studies on morphological and phytochemical variability of different populations of Tribulus terrestris. International Journal of Plant Breeding and Genetics 1(2): 95-100. 96. Raghu A.V., Geetha S.P., Gerald Martin, Balachandran I., Ravindran P.N. and Mohanan K.V., 2007. An improved micropropagation protocol for bael- a vulnerable medicinal tree. Research Journal of Botany 2(4): 186-194. 97. Usha P.K., Sailas Benjamin, Mohanan K.V. and Raghu A.V., 2007. An efficient micropropagation system for Vitex negundo L., an important woody aromatic medicinal plant, through shoot tip culture. Research Journal of Botany 2(2): 102-107. 98. Raghu A.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2007. Seed germination studies on laghu panchamula group of medicinal plants. Journal of Non Timber Forest Products 13(4): 227-229. 99. Raghu A.V., Remasree A.B., Satheesh George, Tushar K.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2006. In vitro plant regeneration in Solanum violaceum. Journal of Tropical Medicinal Plants 7(2): 213-218. 100. Radhakrishnan V.V., Mohanan K.V. and Priya P.Menon, 2006. Genetic divergence in cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum Maton). Journal of Plantation Crops 34 (3): 149-151. 101. Jayasree M., Mohanan K.V. and Umamaheswari R., 2006. Genetic variability of mango ginger (Curcuma amada Roxb.) in Kerala. Journal of Plantation Crops 34 (3): 164-166. 102. Varadarasan S., Dhanya C.S., Chandrasekhar S.S., Ansar Ali M.A., Thomas J. And Mohanan K.V., 2006. A study on compatibility of some insecticides with a fungicide on small cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum Maton). Journal of Plantation Crops 34(3): 392-397. 103. Radhakrishnan V.V., Mohanan K.V. and Priya P.Menon, 2006. Genetic variability in cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum Maton). Journal of Plantation Crops 34 (2): 87-89. 104. Jayasree M. And Mohanan K.V., 2006. A study on training of butterfly pea (Clitoria ternatera L.) to bush habit. Journal of Non Timber Forest Products 13(2): 85-87. 105. Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2005. Molecular characterization of some elite genotypes of cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum Maton). Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 65(3): 227-228. 106. Chandramohanan K.T. and Mohanan K.V., 2005. Genetic control and phenotypic variability of morphometric characters in Cassaia tora L. Agricultural Science Digest 25(4): 275-277. 107. Raghu A.V., Umamaheswari R. And Mohanan K.V., 2005. Propagation of Premna corymbosa Rottl. By air layering. Journal of Non Timber Forest Products 12(1): 34-35. 108. Radhakrishnan V.V., Mohanan K.V. and Priya P. Menon, 2005. Comparative performance of certain promising genotypes of cardamom. Journal of Non Timber Forest Products 12(1): 38-41. 109. Umamaheswari R. And Mohanan K.V., 2004. A study of field level variability of Vanilla planifolia in Kerala. Journal of Plantation Crops 32(Suppl.): 98-99. 110. Radhakrishnan V.V., Madhusoodanan K.J., Priya P. Menon, Mohanan K.V., Kuruvilla K.M. and Thomas J., 2004. Evaluation of promising lines of cardamom for yield and quality. Journal of Plantation Crops 32 (Suppl.): 30-32. 111. Naseeba P., Sureshkumar, V.B., Reddy A.G.S. and Mohanan K.V., 2004. A comparative study of juvenile growth characters of Sln. 3R (CxR) coffee and its sibmated progeny. Journal of Non Timber Forest Products 11(1): 15-19. 112. Ambili P., Reddy A.G.S., Sureshkumar V.B. and Mohanan K.V., 2004. A study of the seedling performance of three exotic robusta coffee accessions as compared to Indian selection Sln. 1R (S.274). Journal of Non Timber Forest Products 11(1): 10-14. 113. Raghu A.V., Mohanan K.V., Reddy A.G.S. and Sureshkumar V.B., 2003. Variability in a sib mated progeny of CxR coffee. Indian Journal of Agricultural Research 37(2): 110-114. 114. Sabitha P.K., Mohanan K.V., Reddy A.G.S. and Sureshkumar V.B., 2002. Variability in a sibmated progeny of robusta coffee. Indian Journal of Agricultural Research 36(4): 302-304. 115. Umamaheswari R., Potty S.N. and Mohanan K.V., 2002. Studies on curing of cardamom with liquid petroleum gas as an alternative fuel for firewood. Spice India 15(5): 6-9. 116. Mohanan K.V. and Pavithran K., 2001. Studies on in vivo cloning of rice. Oryza 38(3&4): 106-107. 117. Mohanan K.V., 2001. Genetical and certain allied studies on in vivo cloning in rice. Vijnanaposhini 5(2): 18-22. 118. Mohanan K.V. and Pavithran K., 1993. Ratoonability of rice and the possibility of its agronomic exploitation under Kerala conditions. Oryza 30: 165-166. 119. Mohanan, K.V., 1993. Mendelism and its ‘rediscovery’. Gregor Mendel Foundation Souvenir, 1993. University of Calicut, Kerala, India. 120. Mohanan K.V., 1992. Tiller propagation of rice. Gregor Mendel Foundation Souvenir, University of Calicut, Kerala, India, 1992: 16.
Papers in Seminar Proceedings: 121. Surekha Y.P., Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2018. Some promising native rice cultivars of Wayanad region of India. In: ‘Modern Trends in Conservation, Utilization and Improvement of Plant Genetic Resources (Proceedings of Gregor Mendel Foundation Seminar 2017) (Eds: Mohanan K.V., Radhakrishnan V.V., Suhara Beevy S., Yusuf A., Gangaprasad A.)’, Gregor Mendel Foundation, Calicut University, Kerala, India (ISBN:978-81-935133-1-6): 14-19. 122. Neethu K., Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V. 2018. Variation in rhizome yield in different accessions of Curcuma aromatica Salisb. of Kerala State, India. In: ‘Modern Trends in Conservation, Utilization and Improvement of Plant Genetic Resources (Proceedings of Gregor Mendel Foundation Seminar 2017) (Eds: Mohanan K.V., Radhakrishnan V.V., Suhara Beevy S., Yusuf A., Gangaprasad A.)’, Gregor Mendel Foundation, Calicut University, Kerala, India (ISBN:978-81-935133-1-6): 20-26. 123. Shinoj K., Mintu P.M., George Daniel, Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2018. A study on thensegregation of the progenies of a dwarf CxR (Coffea congensis x Coffea canephora) coffee plant in relation to hypocotyle length. In: ‘Modern Trends in Conservation, Utilization and Improvement of Plant Genetic Resources (Proceedings of Gregor Mendel Foundation Seminar 2017) (Eds: Mohanan K.V., Radhakrishnan V.V., Suhara Beevy S., Yusuf A., Gangaprasad A.)’, Gregor Mendel Foundation, Calicut University, Kerala, India (ISBN:978-81-935133-1-6): 27-31. 124. Athira K.A., Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2018. Rhizome yield variation in different accessions of Curcuma zanthorrhiza Roxb. Of Central Kerala, India. In: ‘Modern Trends in Conservation, Utilization and Improvement of Plant Genetic Resources (Proceedings of Gregor Mendel Foundation Seminar 2017) (Eds: Mohanan K.V., Radhakrishnan V.V., Suhara Beevy S., Yusuf A., Gangaprasad A.)’, Gregor Mendel Foundation, Calicut University, Kerala, India (ISBN:978-81-935133-1-6): 54-61. 125. Abdul Faisal P. and Mohanan K.V., 2018. Primary seed characterization and extraction of rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) seed oil. In: ‘Modern Trends in Conservation, Utilization and Improvement of Plant Genetic Resources (Proceedings of Gregor Mendel Foundation Seminar 2017) (Eds: Mohanan K.V., Radhakrishnan V.V., Suhara Beevy S., Yusuf A., Gangaprasad A.)’, Gregor Mendel Foundation, Calicut University, Kerala, India (ISBN:978-81-935133-1-6): 117-125. 126. Soorya V., Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2016. Variation in rhizome yield in different accessions of Curcuma aeruginosa Roxb. Of Northern districts of Kerala. In: Advances and Challenges in Plant Breeding, Biotechnology and Conservation (Proceedings of National Seminar on Patents, Plant Breeding, Biotechnology and Conservation, 3-5 December, 2015) (Eds.: Smitha R.B., Prakashkumar R., Pradeep N.S., Mohanan K.V. and Mahusoodanan P.V.) (ISBN: 978-81-931285-0-3), Malabar Botanical Garden and Institute for Plant Sciences, Kozhikode, Kerala, India: 69-79. 127. Mintu P.M., Shinoj K., Sureshkumar V.B., Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2016. Data on grade percent and bean parameters of CXR and S.274 at higher and lower elevations of Kerala. In: Advances and Challenges in Plant Breeding, Biotechnology and Conservation (Proceedings of National Seminar on Patents, Plant Breeding, Biotechnology and Conservation, 3-5 December, 2015) (Eds.: Smitha R.B., Prakashkumar R., Pradeep N.S., Mohanan K.V. and Mahusoodanan P.V.) (ISBN: 978-81-931285-0-3), Malabar Botanical Garden and Institute for Plant Sciences, Kozhikode, Kerala, India: 87-96. 128. Hrideek T.K., Raghu A.V., Sandeep S. and Mohanan K.V., 2016. A study of the genetic variability of Chryzopogon zizanoides (L.) collected from peninsular India. In: Advances and Challenges in Plant Breeding, Biotechnology and Conservation (Proceedings of National Seminar on Patents, Plant Breeding, Biotechnology and Conservation, 3-5 December, 2015) (Eds.: Smitha R.B., Prakashkumar R., Pradeep N.S., Mohanan K.V. and Mahusoodanan P.V.) (ISBN: 978-81-931285-0-3), Malabar Botanical Garden and Institute for Plant Sciences, Kozhikode, Kerala, India: 131-138. 129. Shintu P.V., Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2016. Genetic diversity of Maranta arundinacea L. Accessions of Kerala. In: Advances and Challenges in Plant Breeding, Biotechnology and Conservation (Proceedings of National Seminar on Patents, Plant Breeding, Biotechnology and Conservation, 3-5 December, 2015) (Eds.: Smitha R.B., Prakashkumar R., Pradeep N.S., Mohanan K.V. and Mahusoodanan P.V.) (ISBN: 978-81-931285-0-3), Malabar Botanical Garden and Institute for Plant Sciences, Kozhikode, Kerala, India: 165-173. 130. Thushara V.S., Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2015. Kampferia rotunda Linn. (Peacock ginger)- an insight into a rare medicinal plant. In: Oushadhi 2015 (Eds: Zereena Viji, Jyothilekshmi P. And Rekha P.S.) (ISBN: 978-93-85105-27-2), Department of Botany, N.SS. College, Nemmara, Palakkad- 678505, Kerala: 98-107. 131. Abhilash Joseph E., Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2015. Veliyan- A potential rice cultivar for saline rice tracts. In ‘Prospects in Forestry and Agriculture (Proceedings of National Seminar on Forestry and Agriculture, 7-8 November, 2013) (Eds. Mohanan K.V., Hrideek T.K., Raghu A.V., Amruth M., Muraleedharan E.M. and Radhakrishnan V.V.)’ (ISBN: 978-81-85041-80-3). Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi, Thrissur, Kerala, India: 143-153. 132. Ashfak Ahammed O., Prathibha T., Mohanan K.V. and Sabu M., 2015. In vitro propagation studies on an ornamental pink ginger through rhizome bud explants. In ‘Prospects in Forestry and Agriculture(Proceedings of National Seminar on Forestry and Agriculture, 7-8 November, 2013) (Eds. Mohanan K.V., Hrideek T.K., Raghu A.V., Amruth M., Muraleedharan E.M. and Radhakrishnan V.V.)’ (ISBN: 978-81-85041-80-3). Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi, Thrissur, Kerala, India: 180-183. 133. Chandramohanan K.T., Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2015. An ex situ study on salt tolerance of some popular rice cultivars and varieties of the Kaippad farming system of North Kerala, India. In ‘Prospects in Forestry and Agriculture (Proceedings of National Seminar on Forestry and Agriculture, 7-8 November, 2013) (Eds. Mohanan K.V., Hrideek T.K., Raghu A.V., Amruth M., Muraleedharan E.M. and Radhakrishnan V.V.)’ (ISBN: 978-81-85041-80-3). Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi, Thrissur, Kerala, India: 190-201. 134. Chandramohanan K.T. and Mohanan K.V., 2011. Rice cultivation in the saline wetlands of Kerala- an overview. Gregor Mendel Foundation Proceedings 2011: 7-12. 135. Hrideek T.K., Radhakrishnan V.V., Mohanan K.V., Raghu A.V. and Kuruvilla K.M., 2011. Performance evaluation of some elite cardamom landraces from the Cardamom Hill Reserve of Kerala. Gregor Mendel Foundation Proceedings 2011: 13-19. 136. Raghu A.V., Mohanan K.V., Indira Balachandran, Radhakrishnan V.V. and Hrideek T.K., 2011.Morphological and phytochemical variability of different accessions of Gmelina arborea. Gregor Mendel Foundation Proceedings 2011: 25-29. 137. Mini C.B. and Mohanan K.V., 2011. Morphometric characterization of some aromatic rice cultivars of Kerala. Gregor Mendel Foundation Proceedings 2011: 46-52. 138. Radhakrishnan V.V., Madhusoodanan K.J., Reji K., Kuruvilla K.M., Mohanan K.V. and Thomas J., 2009. High yielding cardamom clones for Wayanad. Gregor Mendel Foundation Proceedings 2009: 25-27. 139. Mini C.B. and Mohanan K.V., 2009. Stubble cropping as a method of conservation of native rices. Gregor Mendel Foundation Proceedings 2009: 52-55. 140. Sureshkumar V.B., Suhala, Mohanan K.V. and Santharam A., 2006. Variability anad performance of interspecific hybrids of Coffea canephora Sln R (CxR) x Coffea bengalensis. Gregor Mendel Foundation Proceedings 2006: 85-88. 141. Nikhila K.R., Sureshkumar V.B. and Mohanan K.V., 2006. Adaptability of S.274 coffee to Wayanad and Coorg conditions. Gregor Mendel Foundation Proceedings 2006: 114-116. 142. Umamaheswari R., Sreekala K.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2006. Differentiation of Vanilla planifolia Andrews from Vanilla tahitensis J.W. Moore based on anatomical characters. Gregor Mendel Foundation Proceedings 2006: 125-128. 143. Baiju C.K., Abdul Rahiman P., VijayalakshmI C.K. AND Mohanan K.V., 2006. Studies on the potential role of neem kernel aqueous extracts in integrated management of coffee mealy bugs. Gregor Mendel Foundation Proceedings 2006: 177-180. 144. Sabins P.M., Umamaheswari R and Mohanan K.V., 2006. A study of the important timber tree components in an agroforestry ecosystem of the western ghat region of Calicut District, Kerala. Proc. Kerala Environment Congress, 2006: 176. 145. Shivarama G.T., Selvakumar M. And Mohanan K.V., 2004. Organic farming- A case study from Wayanad. Proc. XVI Kerala Science Congress: 271-275. 146. Shivarama G.T., Mohanan K.V. and Reddy A.G.S., 2003. An analysis of soil management practices in Wayanad. Proc. XV Kerala Science Congress: 536-542. 147. Shivarama G.T., Hariyappa N., Selvakumar M and Mohanan K.V., 2003. Organic farming in Wayanad- A preliminary analysis. Proc. XIII Swadeshi Science Congress: 16-21. 148. Umamaheswari R, Hrideek T.K. and Mohanan K.V., 2003. Comparative analysis of juvenile characters in Vanilla tahitensis and Vanilla planifolia. Proc. XIII Swadeshi Science Congress: 23-24. 149. Smitha V.R., George Daniel, Reddy A.G.S. and Mohanan K.V., 2002. Studies on starch content in robusta coffee in relation to berry production. Proc. Placrosym XV: 403-405. 150. Hrideek T.K., Sureshkumar V.B., Reddy A.G.S. and Mohanan K.V., 2002. A study of initial performance of CxR (C. congensis x C. canephora var. Robusta) coffee grafted on tree coffee seedlings at cotyledon stage. Proc. Placrosym XV: 161-164. 151. Nikhila K.R., Reddy A.G.S., Sureshkumar V.B. and Mohanan K.V., 2002. Consequences of sibmating in CxR (Coffea congensis x Coffea canephora) coffee. Proc. Placrosym XV: 83-87. 152. Mohanan K.V., 1993. Farmers’ biotechnology. National Seminar on Environment, Feb. 13-15, KSSP and STEC, Trichur, Kerala, India.
Extended summaries published 153. Surekha Y.P., Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2018. Comparative performance of some native rice cultivars of wayanad region of Kerala state of India under upland and wetland conditions. 3rd ARRW International Symposium 2018, February 6-9, 2018, Cuttack, India: 29-31.
Abstracts Published 154. Veena K.S., Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2019. Assessment of the genetic base of bicolour Persian violet (Exacum tetragonum Roxb.) in North Kerala, India. Abs. National Seminar on Forestry, Plant Genetics and Improvement, 3-4 December, 2019. KFRI, Peechi, India 155. Athira K.A., Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2019. Growth and yield of false turmeric (Curcuma zanthorrhiza Roxb. as influenced by the status of the planting material. Abs. National Seminar on Forestry, Plant Genetics and Improvement, 3-4 December, 2019. KFRI, Peechi, India 156. Surekha Y.P., Radhaakrishnann V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2019. A study on ratoon cropping in some native rice cultivars of Wayanad region of Kerala state of India. Abs. National Seminar on Forestry, Plant Genetics and Improvement, 3-4 December, 2019. KFRI, Peechi, India 157. Surekha Y.P., Radhaakrishnann V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2019. A study of genomic variability among some important native rice cultivars of Wayanad region bsed on ISSR profiling. Abs. National Seminar on Forestry, Plant Genetics and Improvement, 3-4 December, 2019. KFRI, Peechi, India 158. Thushara V.S., Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2019. Assessment of genetic variability of peacock ginger (Kaempferia rotunda L.) in Kerala state of India. Abs. National Seminar on Forestry, Plant Genetics and Improvement, 3-4 December, 2019. KFRI, Peechi, India 159. Neethu K., Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2019. Association of agronomic characters in wild turmeric (Curcuma aromatica Salisb.). Abs. National Seminar on Forestry, Plant Genetics and Improvement, 3-4 December, 2019. KFRI, Peechi, India 160. Litty R., Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2019. Curcuma zedoaria Rosc. (white turmeric)- an insight in to a rare medicinal plant. Abs. National Seminar on Forestry, Plant Genetics and Improvement, 3-4 December, 2019. KFRI, Peechi, India 161. Mohammed Irfan T.K., Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2019. Snap ginger (Alpinia calcarata Rosc.)- a plant of multiple biological and pharmacological potential. Abs. National Seminar on Forestry, Plant Genetics and Improvement, 3-4 December, 2019. KFRI, Peechi, India 162. Athira K.A., Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2018. Assessment of the genetic base of false turmeric (Curcuma zanthorrhiza Roxb.) in Central Kerala, India. Abs. National Seminar on Recent Trends in Climate Change and Carbon Research, 26-28 February 2018, Department of Botany, University of Calicut, Kerala, India: 12. 163. Abdul Faisal P. And Mohanan K.V., 2018. A comparative assessment of CO2 emission from diesel and biodiesel produced from rubber seeds by elemental analysis. . Abs. National Seminar on Recent Trends in Climate Change and Carbon Research, 26-28 February 2018, Department of Botany, University of Calicut, Kerala, India; 30. 164. Athira K.A., Radhaakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2018. Assessment of the genetic base of false turmeric (Curcuma zanthorrhiza Roxb.) in Central Kerala, India. Abs. National Seminar on Recent Trends in Climate Change and Carbon Research, 26-28 February 2018, Department of Botany, University of Calicut, Kerala, India: 12. 165. Athira K.A., Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2017. Rhizome yield variation in different accessions of Curcuma zanthorrhiza Roxb. Of Central Kerala, India. Proc. National Seminar on Modern Trends in Conservation, Utilisation and Improvement of Plant Genetic Resources 2017, 23-24 November 2017, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India: 8-9. 166. Neethu K., Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2017. Variation in rhizome yield in different accessions of Curcuma auvery Salisb. Of Kerala State, India. Proc. National Seminar on Modern Trends in Conservation, Utilisation and Improvement of Plant Genetic Resources 2017, 23-24 November 2017, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India: 15-16. 167. Raghu A.V., Indira Balachandran, Hrideek T.K., Renju Krishna V., Radhakrishnan V.V.1 and Mohanan K.V., 2017. A study of morphological and phytochemical variability of Aegle marmelos Corr. In South India. Proc. National Seminar on Modern Trends in Conservation, Utilisation and Improvement of Plant Genetic Resources 2017, 23-24 November 2017, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India: 17. 168. Shinoj K, Mintu P.M., George Daniel, Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2017. A study on the segregation of progenies of dwarf CxR (Coffea congensis x Coffea canephora) coffee in relation to auveryls length. Proc. National Seminar on Modern Trends in Conservation, Utilisation and Improvement of Plant Genetic Resources 2017, 23-24 November 2017, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India: 19-20. 169. Soorya V., Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2017. Association of agronomic characters in Curcuma aeruginosa Roxb. (pink and blue ginger). Proc. National Seminar on Modern Trends in Conservation, Utilisation and Improvement of Plant Genetic Resources 2017, 23-24 November 2017, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India: 20. 170. Surekha Y. Pawar, Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2017. Some promising rice cultivars of Wayanad region of India. Proc. National Seminar on Modern Trends in Conservation, Utilisation and Improvement of Plant Genetic Resources 2017, 23-24 November 2017, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India: 21. 171. Faisal P.A. and Mohanan K.V., 2017. Primary seed characterization and extraction of rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) seed oil. Proc. National Seminar on Modern Trends in Conservation, Utilisation and Improvement of Plant Genetic Resources 2017, 23-24 November 2017, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India: 43. 172. Pawar Surekha Y., Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2017. Study of native rice cultivars of Wayanad district of Kerala, India cultivated under upland conditions. Abstract Book II, XIX International Botanical Congress, 23-29 July 2017, Shenzhen, China: 58. 173. Pawar Surekha Y., Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2017. A study of comparative performance of some native rice cultivars of Wayanad region of Kerala State of India under Upland Conditions. Abs. International Conference on Technological Advancement for Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development (TASARD India, 2017), February 20-22, 2017, Society for Plant Research, Meerut & African Asian Rural Development Organization, New Delhi: 215. 174. Soorya V., Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2017. A study of the genetic variability of Curcuma aeruginosa Roxb. in Kerala using various agro-morphological characters. Abs. International Conference on Technological Advancement for Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development (TASARD India, 2017), February 20-22, 2017, Society for Plant Research, Meerut & African Asian Rural Development Organization, New Delhi: 67. 175. Akhila P.R., Radhakrishnan V.V., Pradipkumar K. and Mohanan K.V., 2016. Assessment of variability and performance of some new landraces of small cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum Maton.). In Abs. 22nd Biennial Symposium on Plantation Crops. 15-17 December 2016. ICAR- CPCRI, Kasaragod, India: 57. 176. Shintu P.V., Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2015. Genetic variability of Maranta arundinacea (Maranthaceae) in Kerala state of India. Abs. International Seminar on Advancements in Angiosperm Systematics and Conservation. 19-21 November 2015. Department of Botany, University of Calicut, Kerala, India: 40. 177. Abhilash Joseph E., Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2014. Salinity: a global threat to rice cultivation- problems and breakthroughs. Abs. National Seminar on Green Living for Sustainable Development, 15-17 October 2014, Government Brennen College, Thalassery, Kerala, India: 59. 178. Chandramohanan K.T. and Mohanan K.V., 2014. Saline rich marginal lands- a conventional alternative to rice land paucity. Abs. National Seminar on Green Living for Sustainable Development, 15-17 October 2014, Government Brennen College, Thalassery, Kerala, India: 45. 179. Soorya V., Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2014. Curcuma aeruginosa Roxb. (Travancore starch plant): a promising plant with various ethnomedicinal properties. Abs. National Seminar on Environmental Issues: Challenges and Concerns, 26, 27 September 2014, Chair for Gandhian Studies and Research, University of Calicut, Kerala, India: 22-23. 180. Shintu P.V., Radhakarishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2014. West Indian arrowroot (Maranta arundinacea L.)- a source of superior quality starch. Abs. National Seminar on Environmental Issues: Challenges and Concerns. 26, 27 September 2014, Chair for Gandhian Studies and Research, University of Calicut, Kerala, India: 18-19. 181. Surekha Y.P., Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2014. Tillering potential of rice- an overview. Abs. National Seminar on Environmental Issues: Challenges and Concerns. 26, 27 September 2014, Chair for Gandhian Studies and Research, University of Calicut, Kerala, India: 15. 182. Abhilash Joseph E., Chandramohanan K.T., Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2014. Wetland and saline rice tracts of Kerala- an overview. Abs. National Seminar on Environmental Issues: Challenges and Concerns. 26, 27 September 2014, Chair for Gandhian Studies and Research, University of Calicut, Kerala, India: 1. 183. Jayasree M., Radhakrishnan V..V. and Mohanan K.V., 2012. Screening of Mango ginger (Curcuma amada Roxb.) accessions from Kerala for growth and yield attributes. Abs. of Papers, PLACROSYM XX, December 12-15, 2012. Upasi Tea Research Foundation, Valparai, Tamil Nadu: 23. 184. Jayasree M., Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2012. A study on the performance of Curcuma amade (mango ginger, Zingiberaceae) accessions collected from Kerala, India. Abs. 6th International Zingiberaceae Symposium 2012, Sep. 10-13, 2012, University of Calicut, Kerala India: 87-88. 185. Jayasree M., Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2012. Genetic variability of Kampferia galangal (Zingiberaceae) in Kerala, India. Abs. 6th International Zingiberaceae Symposium 2012, Sep. 10-13, 2012, University of Calicut, Kerala India: 88-89. 186. Prabhukumar K.M., Sabu M., Thomas V.P. and Mohanan K.V., 2012. Taxonomic and variability studies on hidden purple ginger, a charming ornamental ginger to the tropics. Abs. 6th International Zingiberaceae Symposium 2012, Sep. 10-13, 2012, University of Calicut, Kerala India: 69-70. 187. Chandramohanan K.T. and Mohanan K.V., 2012. A study of the performance of different rice cultivars used in the coastal saline rice farms of North Kerala, India. Symposium Papers (ISBN 819080802-8), International Symposium on Hundred Years of Rice Science and Looking Beyond, January 9-12, 2012, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, India: 127. 188. Kunhalavi M. and Mohanan K.V., 2011. An overview of the economically important species of Mentha. Abs. National Seminar on Genetics, Breeding and Biotechnology, University of Calicut, Kerala, India: 14. 189. Sureshkumar V.B., Nikhila K.R., Mohanan K.V. and Prakash N.S., 2010. Analysis of variability of robusta coffee (Coffea canephora var. robusta) germplasm in India. Abs. PLACROSYM XIX (XIXth National Symposium on Plantation Crops), Rubber Research Institute of India, Kottayam, India; 7-10 December 2010: 42-43. 190. Abdul Rahiman P., Jitha K. and Mohanan K.V., 2009. Studies on the comparative efficacy of Azadirachta indica and Melia dubia against coffee mealy bugs. Abs. Gregor Mendel Foundation Seminar 2009: 20. 191. Mahija Challayil, Vijayalakshmi C.K. and Mohanan K.V., 2009. A laboratory study on the effect of Pongamia seed extract in fermented cow urine against coffee mealy bug Planococcus citri (HOMOPTERA: PSEUDOCOCCIDAE). Abs. Gregor Mendel Foundation Seminar 2009: 22. 192. Sureshkumar V.B., Krishnakumar, Mohanan K.V., George Danaiel, Prakash N.S. and Prakasan C.B., 2011. A study of the performance of the progenies of a spontaneous hybrid of coffee [(robusta x arabica) x arabica cv. cauvery]. Abs. National Seminar on Genetics, Breeding and Biotechnology, University of Calicut, Kerala, India: 8. 193. Sabins P. Manuel and Mohanan K.V., 2007. Study of farmer preferences and growth performance of some tree species used in agroforestry in the western ghat region of Kozhikode district of Kerala state, India. Abs. Gregor Mendel Foundation Seminar, 2007, University of Calicut, Kerala, India: 16. 194. Bhavitha M.K., Duethi P.P., Reghuramalu Y. and Mohanan K.V., 2007. A study of cover cropping/ green manuring in coffee. Abs. Gregor Mendel Foundation Seminar, 2007, University of Calicut, Kerala, India: 22. 195. Vijayan A.K., Sreelakshmi K.P., Joseph Thomas, Mohanan K.V. and Thomas J., 2007. Management of rot disease of vanilla (Vanilla planifolia Andrews) through bioagents. Abs. Gregor Mendel Foundation Seminar, 2007, University of Calicut, Kerala, India: 23. 196. Sreelakshmi K.P., Vijayan A.K., Joseph Thomas, Thomas J. and Mohanan K.V., 2007. Studies on Fusarium diseases of vanilla (Vanilla planifolia Andrews) in India. Abs. Gregor Mendel Foundation Seminar, 2007, University of Calicut, Kerala, India: 24. 197. Hrideek T.K., Sureshkumar V.B., Reddy A.G.S. and Mohanan K.V., 2007. A study of seedling grafting in robusta coffee (Coffea canephora var. robusta). Abs. Gregor Mendel Foundation Seminar, 2007, University of Calicut, Kerala, India: 24. 198. Abdulkadher N., Prasanth A.V., Ganesan K.P., Umamaheswari R. and Mohanan K.V., 2007. A study of germination behaviour of coconut seedlings. Abs. Gregor Mendel Foundation Seminar, 2007, University of Calicut, Kerala, India: 27. 199. Umamaheswari R., Jayasree M. and Mohanan K.V., 2007. A study of agronomic practices in the vanillaries of Wayanad. Abs. Gregor Mendel Foundation Seminar, 2007, University of Calicut, Kerala, India: 31. 200. C.B.Mini, Umamaheswari R. and Mohanan K.V., 2004. A study of the diversity of native rices of Kerala. National Seminar on New Frontiers in Plant Taxonomy and Biodiversity Conservation (IAAT Seminar), Trivandrum, 29-31 Dec. 2004. Abs.: 26-27. 201. Mohanan K.V., 1997. Pattern changes in agriculture- rice cultivation. National Seminar on Kerala Culture, Feb. 9-13. Oriental Research Centre, SNGS College, Pattambi, Kerala, India. 202. Mohanan K.V., 1993. Response of Ponni variety of rice to different patterns of propagation. Gregor Johann Mendel Birthday Lecture Series and Symposium International, July 22-23, 1992. University of Calciut, Kerala, India. Abs. PGGM 9. 203. Mohanan K.V. and Pavithran K, 1992. A sustainable cropping system for rice in the tropics. Gregor Mendel Birthday Lecture Series and Symposium International, July 22-23, 1992. University of Calicut, Kerala, India. Abs. P. 40.
Books: 1. Mohanan K.V., Radhakrishnan V.V., Suhara Beevy S., Yusuf A. and Gangaprasad A., 2018. Modern Trends in Conservation, Utilization and Improvement of Plant Genetic Resources. Gregor Mendel Foundation, Calicut University, Kerala- 673635, India. p.125. 2. Smitha R.B., Prakashkumar R., Pradeep N.S., Mohanan K.V. and Mahusoodanan P.V., 2016. Advances and Challenges in Plant Breeding, Biotechnology and Conservation (ISBN: 978-81-931285-0-3), Malabar Botanical Garden and Institute for Plant Sciences, Kozhikode, Kerala, India p. 405.
3. Mohanan K.V., Hrideek T.K., Raghu A.V., Amruth M., Muraleedharan E.M. and Radhakrishnan V.V., 2015. Prospects in Forestry and Agriculture (ISBN: 978-81-85041-80-3), Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi, Thrissur, Kerala. p. 311.
4. Sabu M., Thomas V.P., Prabhu Kumar K.M. and K.V.Mohanan, 2011. Package of Practices of Ornamental Gingers (ISBN: 81-901637-2-8). Indian Association for Angiosperm Taxonomy, Department of Botany, Calicut University, Kerala- 673635, India.
5. Mohanan K.V., 2010. Essentials of Plant Breeding (ISBN: 978-81-203-3968-2). PHI Learning Private Limited, New Delhi-110001, India.
6. Mohana K.V. and Bhaskaran K.K., 2010. Methodology and Perspectives of Plant Science. Manjusha Publications, Calicut, Kerala, India.
7. Mohanan, K.V. (Ed.), 2006. Essentials of Plantation Science. Penta Books Publishers and Distributors, Calicut, Kerala, India.
8. Mohanan, K.V., 2002. Biometry, Biotechnology and Microbiology, Manjusha Publications, Calicut, Kerala, India.
9. Sivadasan, M. and Mohanan, K.V., 2000. Biodiversity and Ecology- Concepts and Facts. Department of Botany, University of Calicut, Kerala, India.
10. Mohanan, K.V. and Bhaskaran, K.K., 1998. Cell Molecular Biology, Biometry, Biotechnology, Microbiology. Manjusha Publications, Calicut, Kerala, India.
Chapters in Books: 1. Chandran S., Raghu A.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2023. In vitro conservation of rare, endangered and threatened plants. In Swapna T.S. and Keerthi T.R. (Eds.), Conservation and Sustinable Utilization of Bioresources. Springer. 2. Mohanan K.V. and Radhakrishnan V.V., 2019. Gingers as food and spice. In: Proabhukumar K.M., Thomas V.P., Hareesh V.S. and Mathew Dan (Eds.), Asian Zingiberales: Resume & Prospects.Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, Dehra Dun, India (ISBN: 978-81-211-1006-8): 113-132. 3. Soorya V., Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2017. Travancore starch Plant. In ‘Ed. Peter K.V., 2017. Horticultural Crops of High Nutritive Values’. Brillon Publishing, New Delhi- 110005, India (ISBN 9788193222638): 371-392.
4. Shintu P.V., Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2017. West Indian arrowroot. In ‘Ed. Peter K.V., 2017. Horticultural Crops of High Nutritive Values’. Brillon Publishing, New Delhi- 110005, India (ISBN 9788193222638): 393-405.
5. Chandramohanan K.T. and Mohanan K.V., 2012. Kaippad rice farming in North Kerala: The Farming System and the crop varieties. In ‘Agrobiodiversity: status, trends and prospects (Ed. Biju Kumar A.). (ISBN: 978-93-80428-93-2)’. Narendra Publishing House, Delhi- 110006: 43-52.
Popular Science articles: 30 1. Radhakrishnan V.V. and Mohanan K.V., 2011. On the historic trail of cardamom. Spice India 24(11): 13-14.
2. Mohanan K.V., 2005. Biotechnology and society. National Seminar on Biotechnological Interventions in Environmental Management, S.N. College, Kollam, Kerala, 2005. Souvenir: 108-109.
3. Umamaheswari R and Mohanan K.V., 2002. Vanilla processing. Spice India 15(11): 6.
4. Mohanan K.V., 2002. Development of Biotechnology and the future of man. Golden Jubilee Memorial Souvenir, Kadalundi Service Co-operative Bank, Kadalundi, Kozhikode, Kerala, 2002: 35.
5. Mohanan K.V., 2002. Some methods of agriculture those are suitable to Kerala. Sastragathi, Apr. 2002:27.
6. Mohanan K.V., 2001. Biotechnology and forests. Sastragathi, June 2001:33.
7. Mohanan K.V., 2001. Human genome. Sastragathi, Apr. 2001:7.
8. Mohanan K.V., 2001. Agricultural Kerala: Problems and prospects. Sastragathi, Feb. 2001: 39.
9. Mohanan K.V., 2000. Micronutrient deficiency and transgenic crops. Sastragathi, Oct. 2000: 6.
10. Mohanan K.V., 2000. Science in the twentieth century: Grenetics. Sastragathi, Apr. 2000: 20.
11. Mohanan K.V., 2000. Agricultural expectations of the twentieth century. Sastragathi, Feb. 2000: 30.
12. Mohanan K.V., 2000. The ethics of plant breeding. Sastragathi, Nov. 1999: 36.
13. Mohanan K.V., 1999. Corn. Sastrakeralam, Nov. 1999: 39.
14. Mohanan K.V., 1999. Maize. Sastrakeralam, Oct. 1999: 34.
15. Mohanan K.V., 1999. Wheat. Sastrakeralam, Sep. 1999: 28.
16. Mohanan K.V., 1999. War and genetic diversity. Sastragathi, Aug. 1999:22.
17. Mohanan K.V., 1999. Rice. Sastrakeralam, Aug. 1999: 22.
18. Mohanan K.V., 1999. Community gene banks can ensure farmers’ rights. Biotechnology and Development Monitor 38: 22.
19. Mohanan K.V., 1999. New seeds and food security. Sastragathi, July 1999: 20.
20. Mohanan K.V., 1999. Biodiversity crisis. Sastragathi, May 1999: 25.
21. Mohanan K.V., 1999. The other side of agriculture. Sastragathi, Feb. 1999: 14.
22. Mohanan K.V., 1993. From green revolution to ecological agriculture. Sastragathi, March 1993: 23.
23. Mohanan K.V., 1991. Chronographic facets of Gregor Johann Mendel. Gregor Mendel Foundation Souvenir, 1991, University of Calicut, Kerala, India.
24. Mohanan K.V. and Pavithran K., 1990. Biotechnology and agricultural development. Sastragathi, Dec. 1990: 26.
25. Mohanan K.V., 1988. Sex difference in plants. Sastrakeralam, Dec. 1988.
26. Mohanan K.V. and Pavithran, K., 1987. Upland rice farming. Sastragathi, Apr. 1987: 24.
27. Mohanan K.V., 1986. Ecology and evolution. Sastrakeralam, Dec. 1986: 42.
28. Mohanan K.V., 1986. Biological clock. Sastrakeralam, Oct. 1986: 13.
29. Mohanan K.V., 1986. Molecular biology. Sastragathi, Aug. 1986: 25.
30. Mohanan K.V., 1984. The medicinal plants around us. Gramasastram, Sep. 1984: 21.
Research projects: 1. Taxonomy, morphology and seed micromorphology of some South Indian Caryophyllales 2. Collection, conservation and evaluation of native rices of Malabar 3. Potential ornamental gingers: Domestication, development of agrotechniques 4. A study of the problems of the poor and marginal farmers of Wayanad with special reference to land use pattern, input/ output features and socioeconomic conditions 5. Studies on salt tolerance in rice with special reference to reactive oxygen species scavenging enzymes and cyclophilins
Ph.Ds guided: 13